What’s better for your body: Diet Coke or Water? This article will be discussing about “Why Diet Coke Bad For You” – the cons of drinking diet coke / diet cola and how it affects your body, in comparison to drinking water and its benefits on your health.
So Why Diet Coke Bad for You?
General Facts About Diet Coke
Diet Cokes have been a popular choice for people looking to remain fit and healthy. However, what many people don’t know is that the drink contains a lot of caffeine, which can cause problems for people who already have health conditions such as diabetes.
Diet coke is marketed as being a drink that helps you to stay on track with your diet. However, the ingredients in this product are causing more harm than good. Diet cola contains caramel coloring, which has been linked to cancer cell growth. The excessive consumption of caffeine in the diet cola can cause heart arrhythmia, dehydration, and even seizures.
What Is Artificial Sweetener?
Artificial Sweetener Are Chemicals that are added to sugar substitutes, such as Aspartame and Acesulfame. Artificial sweeteners are found in many different foods and beverages, including diet sodas. Many studies have shown that artificial sweeteners can result in severe health conditions like stroke, heart disease, kidney damage, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.
Although artificial sweeteners are typically marketed as an alternative to sugar, studies have shown that they can actually change the microbiome of our gut. This includes altering intestinal flora which may lead to an increased risk of obesity.
The Effects of Phosphoric Acid and Citric Acid
Diet coke and other diet sodas contain phosphoric acid and citric acid which both have a negative effect on your body. Citric acid is an acid found in citrus fruits and vegetables where it plays a vital role in the nutrient absorption, while phosphoric acids are related to phosphorus, a mineral needed for healthy bones and teeth.
Diet cola are some of the worst drinks you can consume as they contain no nutritional value whatsoever. Diet cokes have been created to have a lower sugar content than regular coke and diet cola. However, these drinks also contain phosphoric acid and citric acid which will not only destroy your teeth and compromised your bone health but harm the body in other ways as well.
Phosphoric acid and citric acid can be found in diet cokes, sports drinks, and other carbonated beverages. These acids cause a condition called “acidosis.” Acidosis is the build-up of lactic acid in your system that causes kidney failure, fatigue, blindness, anemia, and respiratory distress.
Nutrition for Diet Coke
Diet Coke does not have any nutritional value, however it has caffeine and other artificial sweeteners.
The sugar, the phosphoric acid, and the aspartame in diet coke provide a short-term rush of energy that is followed by an eventual crash. This leads to low energy levels and cravings for more of the drink. Diet coke also contains caffeine which can cause insomnia, irritability, poor concentration, increased heart rate and blood pressure, among other unpleasant side effects. Once again, this proves why diet coke bad for you.
Diet Coke vs Coke Zero Sugar
Diet Coke and Coke Zero are two different types of sodas that both have a similar taste to regular Coca-Cola. Diet Coke is made without the caramel color and has less sugar, while Coke Zero contains no sugar but still has the same amount of caffeine as regular Coca-Cola. Both Diet Coke and Coke Zero does not have any nutritional value.
Diet Coke Caffeine
Many people know that diet coke is caffeine-free, but what they may not know is that diet coke has half the amount of caffeine as regular! Coca-Cola does not list the caffeine content on their cans of Diet Coke, but it is estimated that each can contains about 100mg of caffeine. Pepsi products have the same amount, but since they are bottled in glass for a longer period of time, the caffeine fades over time.
Daily Caffeine Intake
So many people drink diet coke because they think it’s low in caffeine, but the drink is actually high in caffeine. That doesn’t make for a healthy lifestyle!
The World Health Organization has set the recommended daily intake for caffeine at 400mg – 600mg, and only up to 400mg is considered safe in pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend that pregnant women avoid caffeine completely due to the risk of miscarriage. This reinforces the fact of why diet coke bad for you.
Is Diet Coke Healthier than Coke?
No, both are unhealthy. On top of that, diet coke is more processed and therefore more unhealthy.
Can Diet Coke Raise Blood Sugar and Cause Diabetes?
Yes. Diet coke raise blood sugar and cause diabetes because diet coke is made from high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The high intake of HFCS causes an increase of blood glucose and leads to the formation of two types of fat: triglycerides in the liver and cholesterol in the blood vessels. HFCS is also linked to obesity, weight gain, raised blood pressure and elevated triglycerides. In addition, it has many chemical processes that change the way your body uses sugars and fats. This is why diet coke bad for you.
Why Drinking Water is Better Than Diet Coke?
Drinking water is such an essential part of everyday life. It does all sorts of things for you like keeping your bones strong, your skin radiant and your healthy organs functioning properly. But did you know that there are also some other health benefits?
Water is the perfect drink for people who don’t like to get too much sugar and caffeine in their diets. Drinking water always keeps you hydrated and helps your body to function properly.
How to Hydrate Properly?
Diet coke contains artificial sweeteners and can also cause bloating, increases in hunger and thirst, and lower Vitamin C levels. Unlike diet soda, water helps to curb cravings for sugar and sweets. The other benefit of drinking water is that it turns into energy as you consume it.
Benefits of Drinking Water vs. Diet Coke
First off, water is free! It can fill up your flask whenever, whether before or after your workout. You don’t have to spend your hard-earned money on this caffeinated beverage to get your fix anymore.
Diet coke is a carbonated, artificially flavored beverage that has been marketed as the perfect deliverable for someone who wants to cut calories and drink something healthy. Diet coke drinkers often believe that this drink might help them lose weight or keep it off. But, according to a study done by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, diet cola drinkers experience higher rates of obesity and metabolic syndrome. It’s important to make sure you’re drinking enough water instead of diet cola.
We hope this article answered your quest of why diet coke bad for you. First, nutrition for diet coke does not exist. Second, Drinking diet cola is going to do serious damage to your body over time as diet coke has been linked to heart disease, because they have been tested to have a higher amount of artificial sweeteners, which are tied to insulin resistance and also lead to obesity and diabetes.
Diet coke might be cheap, but drinking water is much better for your priceless health!
If you have enjoyed reading this article about why diet coke is bad for you, checkout the Benefits of Mineral Water for Skin.
References about why diet coke is bad for you: