Free Body Fat Percentage Calculator

Are you curious about how much body fat, body fat index (BMI) you have and the calories you need to burn to maintain your healthy diet?

Healthline Gate’s Free Body Fat Percentage Calculator can give you a very precised estimate!

Just enter your gender, height, current weight, weight goal, and age… and our health calculator will do the rest for you immediately.

Enter your email address to receive the report by email.

Free Body Fat Calculator - Fitness doctor with a male patient measuring his body fat

Free Body Fat Calculator - Fit male measuring his body fat

Importance of Calculating Your Body Fat Percentage To Maintain Your Health

Your body fat percentage is the amount of fat tissue that makes up your total body weight. Although there are different ways to measure body fat, knowing your body fat percentage gives you a better idea of whether you’re at a healthy weight.

Maintaining a healthy body fat percentage is important for various reasons:

First Reason

Excess body fat can lead to several health problems, such as Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Diseases, and Stroke.

Second Reason

Carrying too much body fat can make it difficult to perform everyday activities, such as Walking and Climbing Stairs.

Third Reason

Being overweight or obese puts you at a higher risk for developing certain types of Cancer, such as Endometrial, Breast Cancer, and Colon Cancer.

Here’s your free body fat percentage calculator:

Body Fat Percentage Calculator - Healthline Gate


Basal Metabolic Rate

Total Daily Energy Expenditure

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Waist to Height






Workout Day Calories


Rest Day Calories


Weeks To Goal


Final Weight


Weight Class

Before using the data obtained using this calculator, please consult with doctor.

How Can You Reduce Body Fat Percentage Naturally?

There are many ways you can reduce your body fat percentage:

  1. Nutrition: Focus on eating healthy foods and reducing your overall calorie intake
  2. Workout: Participate in regular physical activity to burn calories and build muscle
  3. Supplements: Try some natural fat-burning supplements to help you reach your goals

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Keep fit!

Healthline Gate Team