In the winter, many people get sick from Norovirus, or a stomach bug. When winter comes and there is less sunlight, it can be harder to tell if you have the virus or not. This article talks about how you can prevent yourself from getting sick and also what to do when you already have it.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Norovirus infects around 20,000,000+ Americans every year! This is why this virus should not be taken lightly.
Norovirus outbreak 2021 might have already started, but don’t panic and continue to read through…
Top Winter Diseases
The winter season can be a stressful time for your health. The cold, dry air can cause chest infections, earaches and more.
If you’re heading out for a winter vacation or if you’re hosting a party this season, there are some things to watch out for.
Here’s a list of the top winter illnesses:
- Flu
- Colds
- Bronchitis (lung infections)
- Pneumonia
- Norovirus
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Antibiotics are not effective in treating these types of infections. The best way to avoid getting sick is by staying healthy all year-long with good hygiene practices.
About The Winter Bug Vomiting Virus
Norovirus is a virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea. It can cause severe dehydration, which is life-threatening for young children and elderly ones. In case of dehydration, which is usually accompanied by lightlessness, dizziness and dry mouth… you really should see a doctor.
Norovirus outbreaks occur in winter months because the cold weather slows down the rate of food preparation and hygiene.
Norovirus Causes
Norovirus can spread through contact with surfaces, such as:
- Raw vegetables and fruits
- Undercooked meat and chicken
- Undercooked seafood like shellfish or oyster
- Contaminated food
- Contaminated water with sewage
- Faeces (or feces) of infected persons
- Contaminated surfaces
The virus spreads quickly in close quarters like retail stores, hospitals, schools, and nursing homes.
If you or someone in your home has symptoms of Norovirus, it is best to stay away from others to prevent the spread.
Virus Symptoms
What are Norovirus Symptoms?
Norovirus is a highly contagious and highly infectious viral infection spread by food and water. It causes the following symptoms:
- Low-grade fever
- Abdominal cramps
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Body and muscles ache
- Headache
The virus symptoms can last up to 72 hours. If your vomit color is yellow or green and the symptoms exceeds 3 days, you should visit or call your doctor.
Norovirus is known as the winter vomiting bug because it is often seen in high concentrations during the winter months. If you have recently eaten out at a restaurant or received a food product that may have been contaminated by Norovirus then seek medical attention.
Virus Prevention
How to reduce your risk of getting sick and what to do if you catch the virus?
Norovirus is an extremely contagious virus that can lead to gastroenteritis. The more you know about Norovirus and how it spreads, the better your chances of preventing getting sick.
If you are planning on traveling this winter, there are some things you can do to protect yourself from contracting the virus by following these Norovirus prevention tips:
- Maintain the hygiene of the area used by the sick person using alcohol-based surface disinfectant
- Wash your hands with soap and water after using the restroom or changing diapers
- Avoid touching your face or mouth
- Avoid sharing food and drinks if you are sick
- Never share utensils or plates
- Always use cloth napkins
- Rinse your food before eating
- Cook your food very well
- Wash your vegetables and fruits very well
- Keep your food hot until it’s served
Refrain from making or serving food to others if you are down with Norovirus and try to stay at home in order to not to infect others.
Virus Treatment
What is Norovirus Treatment?
Norovirus vaccine or medicine (Antiviral) is not yet available. Antibiotics kills the bacteria, therefore, it won’t cure this virus which makes prevention challenging.
The best way to avoid getting Norovirus is by washing your hands frequently with soap and water, keeping surfaces clean, and staying away from sick people.
To treat a case of Norovirus, water and saltine crackers are the best options and to seek a medical attention. Individuals typically recover from Norovirus within one week.
The most common supplements and remedies for Norovirus which might help reducing the potency of the symptoms, but not killing the virus:
- Over-the-counter medication such as medications for nausea and diarrhea
- Vitamins like B12, C and A
- Zinc and Magnesium tablets
- Probiotics
- Drink a lot of clear liquids to get hydrated
- Use a humidifier in your room to prevent the virus from spreading
- Eat at least every three hours because the virus will cause your appetite to decrease significantly
The diarrhea and vomiting can last more than one week after the person recovers from the illness, therefore, it’s extremely important that you seek a medical attention and to keep yourself (especially the young and elder ones) hydrated by drinking lots of fluids. Eat light food and do not drink alcohol or sugar-rich beverages as it will increase the severity of diarrhea.
Final Thoughts
Norovirus is a virus that causes stomach problems, including vomiting and diarrhea. It is usually seen in the winter months when people are more likely to spend time with others, which increases the risk of becoming sick if you don’t follow proper etiquette.
Norovirus Dubai or New York?
All places are subject to Norovirus transmission in the winter season, however, it might be less in warmer countries. The winter season lasting from October through January is going to be rough but it is no different than any other day in terms of environmental conditions, but we’ll likely see an outbreak. If you’re heading out and will be in an area with others, then you should take the necessary precautions to ensure that you and your loved ones stay healthy.
There is no special Norovirus hand sanitizer, you may use any trusted alcohol-base sanitizer brand to disinfect your hands.
Cold and flu season is in full swing, and the harsh winter weather is already making you think twice about how to avoid catching a virus or cold. Norovirus is a common culprit during this time of year, but it’s important to be aware of more dangerous diseases like influenza, whooping cough, and H1N1.
The primary means of transmission of Norovirus is through food and water contaminated with affected person’s feces.
Symptoms typically start 24 hours after exposure which include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, stomach cramps, and body aches. It most often occurs in crowded places like schools, hospitals and restaurants.
The best advice we can give you is to be cautious. If you plan on going outside, make sure you take care of yourself and remain healthy. If you’re feeling sick, not only is it important to drink lots of fluids such as fresh juices (low in sugar) and especially drinking water to stay hydrated and healthy, but it’s also important to be on guard for Norovirus.
If you wish to drink tea, make sure it’s decaffeinated as caffeine dehydrates you. Do not have any food or drink that contains sugar as it worsen diarrhea. Finally, contact your doctor if the symptoms continues or becomes more severe.