While pea protein and whey protein are both great choices that offer a lot of health benefits, we think that pea protein is the better option. Here’s why: pea protein is a lot less likely to cause digestive issues, it’s just as effective as whey protein at building muscle, and pea protein contains more iron. If you’re looking for a protein powder that is easy on the stomach, pea protein is the way to go.
Let’s take a closer look at each type of protein in this article and compare its benefits.
Pea Protein
Pea protein is made from yellow peas, also known as field peas. Peas are a legume, and legumes are an excellent source of plant-based protein. They are also a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Peas are naturally low in fat and calories and are cholesterol-free.
Benefits of Pea Protein
- It is a good source of protein for vegetarians and vegans.
- It is low in calories and fat.
- It is cholesterol-free.
- It is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Pea Protein Nutrition Profile
Here are the nutritional values for pea protein powder:
- Protein: 24 grams.
- Carbohydrates: 11 grams.
- Fat: 0.75 grams.
Pea Protein Side Effects
While there are many pea protein benefits, there are also some potential side effects to be aware of. Pea protein can cause gas and bloat in some people. If you have a pea allergy, you should obviously avoid pea protein. Otherwise, pea protein is generally considered safe.

Whey Protein
Whey protein is made from milk. It is a by-product of the cheese-making process. When milk is turned into cheese, the whey separates from the solid curds. Whey protein is a complete protein, which means it contains all the essential amino acids your body needs.
Benefits of Whey Protein
- It is a complete protein.
- It is absorbed quickly by the body.
- It helps build lean muscle mass.
Whey Protein Nutrition Profile
Here are the nutritional values for whey protein powder:
- Protein: 24 grams.
- Carbohydrates: 11 grams.
- Fat: 0.75 grams.
Whey Protein Side Effects
Whey protein is generally considered safe as well, however, similar to pea protein, whey protein can cause gas and bloat. If you have a milk allergy, try to avoid whey protein and take pea protein as an alternative.
Uses of Pea Protein and Whey Protein
Here are the top 3 uses for pea and whey protein:
1. To Make Shakes, Smoothies, and Baked Goods
You can use pea or whey protein to make delicious foods and drinks. Protein powder can be added to your favorite recipes to boost the protein content.
Try this recipe:
– Mix pea or whey protein powder with water, milk, or your favorite beverage.
– Add pea or whey protein powder to your favorite smoothie recipe.
– Use pea or whey protein powder in baking recipes for an extra boost of protein.

2. As a Pre-Workout Supplement
Do you need an extra boost of energy before your workout? If so, pea or whey protein can help.
Here how:
– Mix pea or whey protein powder with water or milk and drink it before your workout.
– Add pea or whey protein powder to your pre-workout shake or smoothie.
– Use pea or whey protein powder to make a healthy snack before your workout.
3. To Lose Weight
If you’re trying to lose weight, pea or whey protein can help you reach your goals. Protein can help you feel full and satisfied after eating, so you’re less likely to overeat. Also, protein helps your body burn more calories.
You need to be careful with the consumption of pea or whey protein, as it is calorie-dense. If you consume too much of protein, you will not lose weight. Instead, you may gain weight.
Final Thoughts
So, which is better pea protein or whey protein? The answer may depend on your individual needs and goals, but we think pea protein is the better choice because it is more gentle on the stomach, it is vegan-friendly, and it has a more complete nutrient profile.
Whey protein is a great choice if you are looking to build muscle mass or if you need an extra boost of energy before your workout.
Do you have a favorite pea protein recipe? Share it down below!
Thanks for reading!
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About The Author
M.D Mark D. is a Health and Wellness professional writer. Mark has authored many health articles around the following topics: Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Pets Health, Mental Health, Medicine, and Supplements.